I am trying to work on not getting hung up too much on details and just trying to create overall images just by blocking in color that conveys an atmosphere rather than individualized objects. I started this painting with a color scheme in mind rather than an actual scene that I wanted to paint. I did this painting after watching Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro and I was especially inspired by the scenes where everyone is frantically searching for Mei. The shots where the late afternoon/ night sky is in the background are amazing.

Just playing around with my Prismacolor markers in my sketchbook. The thing that bothers me about markers is that I don't have total control over the colors. They are made by the company, not me, and I'm trying to figure out how to layer colors to create the colors I am looking for
Lastly, my sister went to a Lady Gaga concert last night (SO JEALOUS) and I insisted that she go in costume. I tried to recreate her hat from the telephone music video using bristol board, hot glue, acrylics, and an old headband. There are much better pictures of it on my sister, but they're on her camera, so I'll upload them later. I guess Virgin Mobile was taking pictures of the people with the best costumes, so they took one of her. SUCCESS!