I "finished" my painting final! There are still a few things I want to fix but I don't really want to make any major changes right before crit (in 40 minutes ha). I had fun with this one and I'm kind of getting excited about oils. 2 more crits and then I'm home for CHRISTMAS YAY! The picture here is kind of bad because I just glazed the left side so its still shiny.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Painting Final
I "finished" my painting final! There are still a few things I want to fix but I don't really want to make any major changes right before crit (in 40 minutes ha). I had fun with this one and I'm kind of getting excited about oils. 2 more crits and then I'm home for CHRISTMAS YAY! The picture here is kind of bad because I just glazed the left side so its still shiny.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Finalllzzzzz aaaahhhhh!

Friday, October 22, 2010
New Work! Finally!
Hello blog readers!
I figured I should post some of the art I've done so far this year. I'm in my first year as an illustration major and its GREAT! AND BUSY! I bought a tablet and I cant wait to figure out how to do great things with it, but unfortunately I haven't had the time to play around with it much yet.... Anyways... these pieces are from my favorite classes, illustration and painting!
Master copy of a Caravaggio painting in black and white
I am indecisive when it comes to getting dressed. This was for my illustration assignment which was to write down everything we did for a whole day and then pick a part to do a project on. My approach was too conventional, so i redid it.... which resulted in......

A sweater monster?!?
This is a shadowbox I made for my illustration class. We were supposed to pick an element of the book Frankenstein and do something based on it. Yup. I'm going to try making some work in my "free time" (ha. ha. ha.) once i manage to get my homework under control. Stay tuned.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Painting is finished!
I finished the painting of the water tower and now I'm back at RISD! Yayay! More work will inevitably be posted soon!

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Hello! Summer is almost over.... I am finishing up my job at the country club this week and my Holden friends have left me and I am beyond excited to go back to RISD and see my friends and take all illustration classes all day err day! YAY! So at the moment I'm in the middle of like 4/5 projects and I have ideas in my head and I want to do them all at once but I'm easily distracted by things like popsicles and the internet... oops. So I figured I could at least post the projects I'm working on right now...
Soo... here I'm just experimenting with lighting and atmospheric color and perspective... Yeah, these are all things that i don't have a very good grip on right now, so its a bit frustrating... Anyways I'm probably like a third of the way done with it and I still haven't decided how to handle the sidewalks and the street.

This one is for my brother's Boy Scout Eagle Award project. I'm painting a picture of the water tower and train depot that used to be on the Rutland rail trail for a sign that'll be put up. I'm painting with acrylics on an aluminum sign ( I don't even know if thats okay...) which will be covered with a piece of glass and mounted on wood. Painting on metal is WEIRD. The paint isn't absorbed into the surface which is very strange. I guess this is kind of an underpainting, which is something I haven't done for a while... I've just gone straight for the painting, but its kind of nice to be able to see where everything goes without spending forever messing around with the colors on each individual part of the painting. I'm thinking a very purple/orange contrast-y color scheme for this one. I think the sky is mostly done, but its overall look will drastically change once the contrast is pumped up.

Friday, July 2, 2010
I'm a festival, I'm a parade

I am trying to work on not getting hung up too much on details and just trying to create overall images just by blocking in color that conveys an atmosphere rather than individualized objects. I started this painting with a color scheme in mind rather than an actual scene that I wanted to paint. I did this painting after watching Miyazaki's My Neighbor Totoro and I was especially inspired by the scenes where everyone is frantically searching for Mei. The shots where the late afternoon/ night sky is in the background are amazing.

Just playing around with my Prismacolor markers in my sketchbook. The thing that bothers me about markers is that I don't have total control over the colors. They are made by the company, not me, and I'm trying to figure out how to layer colors to create the colors I am looking for
Lastly, my sister went to a Lady Gaga concert last night (SO JEALOUS) and I insisted that she go in costume. I tried to recreate her hat from the telephone music video using bristol board, hot glue, acrylics, and an old headband. There are much better pictures of it on my sister, but they're on her camera, so I'll upload them later. I guess Virgin Mobile was taking pictures of the people with the best costumes, so they took one of her. SUCCESS!
Monday, May 24, 2010
3D review
I just had my final review for 3d! As frustrating as that class was, I really think I'm going to miss it. There was a short period of time this winter when I was contemplating going into apparel, but then I quickly realized how unfashionable I am and how impatient I am when it comes to measuring things. But making clothes is FUN and Industrial design is COOL! Aaaaaaggghhh! Oh well. None of that in illustration next year, but I'm still wicked excited. So.... here are some of my projects from this semester..
My wire shoe! The assignment was to replicate any shoe at 2 1/2 scale. I stabbed myself many times with wire and made my fingers bleed. OOPS!
My makeup remover pad dress! The assignment was to make something, either sculptural or functional, out of 100, 500, or 1000 of something. This here is 500 makeup remover pads. I was just looking for an excuse to make a dress, so I loved this assignment, despite the hot glue burns I got all over my fingers! Thank you, Scott Brower for the photos!
And lastly, my chair. The assignment was to make a chair out of 1x2 pieces of pine. This was probably the most challenging assignment I've ever had. Measurements? Wood? Joints? Measurements????? After two weeks of hard work and a trip to health services for chiseling my finger, heres what I got.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My first Animation EVER
This was my animation projects for my 2d class. The assignment was to choose, from a list that my teacher gave us, an "issue of our time" to do an animation on. The list included things like endangered species, clean water, loss of humanity, and... swearing?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Painting numero uno
I think the colors came out a little weird though. I might try to replace the picture later.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Slum yum yum
This is the beginning of the first painting I've done in a while just for fun. In my environmental sociology class we watched a movie about maquiladoras, who are Mexican women who work in factories on the US-Mexico border. The slums they live in are often contaminated with toxic chemicals. I had a vague idea for a painting, so I figured I'd just kind of make it up as I go. I kind of messed it up last night during an impromptu work party with my illustration friends, but I'll fix it. Especially since I have spring break this week which means FREE TIME! Updates to come!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Reason I'm Sleep Deprived
Here's some work mostly from my first semester at RISD. I probably have about six times the amount of work posted here rolled up under my bed somewhere, but I feel like most of its too unfinished-looking since a lot of the work I've done here was almost more about the process of making it than the final product. Intense critiques on two hours of sleep also make it hard to think fondly of some work. Most of the work in this post is from my wintersession Intro to Illustration class, which was absolutely amazing and made picking my major super easy. :)
My final piece. Pretty bad photo quality though.

Assignment: Zombies Attacking RISD. I tried to make mine subtle, but I think it just looks like someone's getting mugged on Waterman Street out the window.

NC Wyeth master copy. The assignment was actually entitled "Wyeth he making us do thith?" Ohhh Shanth... haha
2D Camouflage project. And my first time using goache
Hello! So I recently decided to make a blog for my artwork when my illustration teacher stressed my entire class out by stressing the importance of getting an internship AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and how important it is to get your work out there. I also thought that making a blog might make me more motivated to do some projects outside of class and let people know what I'm up to. So here's some art off my soon-to-be-deleted deviantart that I did in high school!

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