Hello! Summer is almost over.... I am finishing up my job at the country club this week and my Holden friends have left me and I am beyond excited to go back to RISD and see my friends and take all illustration classes all day err day! YAY! So at the moment I'm in the middle of like 4/5 projects and I have ideas in my head and I want to do them all at once but I'm easily distracted by things like popsicles and the internet... oops. So I figured I could at least post the projects I'm working on right now...
Soo... here I'm just experimenting with lighting and atmospheric color and perspective... Yeah, these are all things that i don't have a very good grip on right now, so its a bit frustrating... Anyways I'm probably like a third of the way done with it and I still haven't decided how to handle the sidewalks and the street.

This one is for my brother's Boy Scout Eagle Award project. I'm painting a picture of the water tower and train depot that used to be on the Rutland rail trail for a sign that'll be put up. I'm painting with acrylics on an aluminum sign ( I don't even know if thats okay...) which will be covered with a piece of glass and mounted on wood. Painting on metal is WEIRD. The paint isn't absorbed into the surface which is very strange. I guess this is kind of an underpainting, which is something I haven't done for a while... I've just gone straight for the painting, but its kind of nice to be able to see where everything goes without spending forever messing around with the colors on each individual part of the painting. I'm thinking a very purple/orange contrast-y color scheme for this one. I think the sky is mostly done, but its overall look will drastically change once the contrast is pumped up.

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